Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Political Science

MadBlogger will certainly acknowledge the fact that many of my emails to him since the start of the war have been thinly disguised political rants in nature.

It's no secret to anyone who reads this blog what my personal politics are.

But, I'm deeply disturbed when the "Today" show spends three hours on Katie Couric's departure and shoes and hair(Trev, she's a newsreader...nothing more and nothing less), and not nearly enough on what may have happened in Haditha.

Go here. Bush only found out about the Haditha massacre from "Time" magazine. So much for the new press secretary.

Jonathan Alterman does a wonderful blog on MSNBC's website, and one of his frequent contributors is LTC Bateman. Lieutenant Colonel Bateman is one terrific example of why the American military does "what it needs to do", and why people in the US miltary, well, snap. Go here to see this terrific blog entry.

I never thought I'd get this political on my blog, but yes, I am.

As the old saying goes, "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."


Paul Bobnak said...

Don't get me started on the whole Katie Couric thing. The glowing tributes, etc. are just sickening. I won't begrudge her the pay level as it's a relatively free market and obviously the market will bear it until the ratings head south. It's this whole navel-gazing exercise, news (or is it entertainment?)media outlets fawning over other outlets, when not reporting the stupid antics of Tomkat, Bennifer, and Brangelina. Meanwhile, there's so many other real issues going begging. SICK!!! :-(

Paul Bobnak said...

Don't get me started on the whole Katie Couric thing. The glowing tributes, etc. are just sickening. I won't begrudge her the pay level as it's a relatively free market and obviously the market will bear it until the ratings head south. It's this whole navel-gazing exercise, news (or is it entertainment?)media outlets fawning over other outlets, when not reporting the stupid antics of Tomkat, Bennifer, and Brangelina. Meanwhile, there's so many other real issues going begging. SICK!!! :-(

Dee said...

Well, I've never considered her to be a "real" reporter, and it'll be interesting to see how she does against Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams.

I happen to be a huge fan of Meredith Viera, and she's got a "hard news" background.