Saturday, May 06, 2006

"United 93"

If I asked any of you to remember where you were on September 11, 2001, when you first heard about the two planes striking the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, you could tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing when you knew something wasn't quite right.

Perhaps you had the "Today" show on, maybe you were in work listening to NPR", or perhaps you were checking out "CNN" on the Web. Maybe a co-worker told you about a story that a light plane had struck one of the "Twin Towers"...and, just in that moment, you knew everything in your world had changed.

It's one of those awful moments in history that everyone seems to collect during their lifetimes; Pearl Harbor being bombed, the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Kent State, the Challenger explosion. The horrific tsunami of Christmas, 2004. Katrina.

So, why should I persuade you to go and see "United 93"? You know the story, and you already know the ending. That day has been imprinted onto your personal history like no other, so why should you care? Why should you want to relive the chaos, the confusion and the abject horror of that day?

Because you need to remember, whether you choose to or not.

It doesn't matter right now what your feelings, thoughts or politics are against the war or the current adminstration.

This is not a film about politics, or religion or race. This is a film about people that come together underneath the worse possible circumstances in recent memory.

And yes, it's time. Go and remember.

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