Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mmmm...let's talk food!

I've yet to introduce this topic on the blog, but anyone who knows me understands that I love to eat, love to cook, love to talk about cooking, chat about what I've eaten in my travels, or even, talk about supermarkets (my boyfriend and I defintely have certain reservations about where we'll shop).

I'm also a certified "food snob" when it comes to buying ingredients (as AMF will tell you!), but I've also created dinners for us that would cost well over 50 per person here in Philly.

With a nice bottle of wine, no less!

I'll post those recipes tomorrow...stay tuned!


Paul Bobnak said...

Food, such a wonderful topic! Can't wait!

Dee said...

And, all of the spring/early summer produce is coming in!

I see lots of ratatouille, fresh tomato sauce and pesto in your future. ;)