Monday, March 10, 2008

Down And Out?

Let's start this conversation by thinking about this, okay?

Just assume, for one minute, you were the Assistant Attorney General in what may be the most powerful city in the financial world. And, just for fun, let's figure that you went after all of the "bad guys" on Wall Street, and it left a bad taste in a lot of mouths.

Now, let's were elected to be "Attorney General" of New York State, and you always targeted the "bad guys" in the state. You were so revered for your work in this state, that you ran for governor, and won the seat.

And, you liked the power. You liked the power so much that, well, you decided that your own love of power preceded the love you have for your wife and your three daughters.

We all know power blinds people, and you're certainly not the first one to discover that. But, power can also encourage people to make better decisions, too.

It's time for you to make a decision, and, dear Governor Spitzer, it better be a good one.


Paul Bobnak said...

For a law-enforcement officer, this is a small-scale tragedy. His recklessness reminds me of another chief exec with so much promise...

Dee said...

As a woman, my question is, why bring his wife into that press conference? She's a very classy lady (and very nice looking, I'll add), but she's been through the ringer.

Dee said...

I haven't heard anything yet, but former NYC mayor Ed Koch (whom I love!) told Wolf Blitzer that Spitzer had a "screw loose".

You know, if you live in this area, you've just gotta love Ed!

Paul Bobnak said...

I believe Koch said the same about another former ex-prosecutor from NYC. I mean, what's in the water up there?!? LOL

Dee said...

Excellent point!

So, just where *is* "Rudy The Bully" these days, anyway?