So, let's just imagine if any one of us has ever been entirely and truly vetted.
You know, dump the desk drawers of all of our financial records, let all of our family and friends openly chat about your personal life, dig into your sexual preferences, how often you change the sheets or clean the bathroom for all the world to see.
I'm willing to bet we wouldn't like it much; hell, I don't even like people to know that I smoke, since that's my little guilty pleasure (including mashed potatoes with lots of butter, but that's another blog entry).
But, here we are faced with another Democratic conundrum: Hillary or Obama?
I voted for Obama in the New Jersey primary, but I'm beginning to think I wasted my primary vote (even though Hillary won New Jersey).
Now, I'm a huge political geek girl. I'm all about NPR during the day, and especially Brian Lehrer's coverage of the individual state's primaries and caucauses during the evening as they happen. I'm absolutely addicted to that sort of political coverage.
I've done a lot of research, and I'm switching my allegiance to Hillary. Not that anyone reading this blog really cares, but I think she's the better candidate to face off against McCain in November.
Besides, I'm pretty sure she likes mashed potatoes, too.
Well, when I heard about people fainting at the Obama rallies, I knew it was only a matter of time before some people would take a 2nd look at his candidacy. As for who's better running against John McCain, it's very hard to say. The matchups are unclear to me. As for a ticket, I don't think that would happen either. But a lot has happened that's been surprising, and we're only in the beginning of March.
I'm not entirely sure that both her and Obama will hold hands and since "Kumbuya" for a "dream ticket", but I think the party will need to do something to "make nice" between the two of them so that there isn't a huge split within the party itself.
It's going to come down to the "super delegates", anyway...mathematicaly, no one really wins all of the delegates.
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