Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another interview, another day...

While I don't know what all of you do for a living, it's a given that we all need to pay the bills.

But, if given the chance, would you take the leap and do something different? Or, would you stick with the "same old, same old" just to make the car payment?

I'm at a real crossroads here. I've got an interview with a very major company on Wednesday, but...

The economy is in the loo, and I guess I should take any contract position I can get. And...

It's a long term contract position, and I mean a l-o-n-g term contract position. This could go on for years, with the understanding they will never hire me, along without any benefits.

Well, no's all "window dressing" from here on out just to keep the state happy.

If you're not interested in hiring this incredibly talented, intelligent, creative woman on a full-time basis...I guess this incredibly talented, intelligent, creative woman will have to look elsewhere.

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