Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wow...a week off!

So, please excuse me if I sound a bit giddy throughout this post, but I'm really besides myself with joy, because next week I have...

A. Week. Off.

If anyone reading this blog is a fellow contract employee, you'll fully appreciate this incredible concept. You know, the whole "if-you-don't-work-you-don't-get-paid" deal, which is why I think we appreciate it more.

Yes, I have interviews and the like, but really, it's the last weekend of summer and I'm going to drain every moment of my free time this week doing things that I enjoy.

I'd like to say that I've got a major "to do" know, swapping out the summer clothes for the fall ones, cleaning the windows and sorting out the sock drawer...that sort of thing.

I can tell you right now that none of the above will happen.

So far, here's what's on my "To Do" list for next week:

1 - Sleep in, and turn off the cell phone.
2 - Make tea, put on some music, and finish up crocheting that pillow cover that I've been working on for the past couple of weeks.
3 - Take a nap. In the afternoon. I hear it's good for recharging your brain cells.
4 - Work on the blanket that I've been promising my boyfriend for ages. Make more tea, and catch up with "Project Runway" in afternoon reruns.
5 - Visit local farmers' markets, and make pesto. Buy more tea.
6 - Make one perfect tomato sandwich for lunch, which will be followed by a nap.
7 - Catch up with friends - one for lunch, and one for dinner. Lunch, of course, will be followed by a nap.
8 - Explore some local crafts and yarn stores.
9 - Update and redo blogs.
10 - Take a nap.

And that, my friends, is my idea of an almost-perfect week off!


Paul Bobnak said...

And you so deserve it!

But, you left off:

11. Not being stuck in bloody traffic!

Dee said...

Too true!

'Tis no wonder why I'm cranky and always in need of a nap! ;)

barbp said...

Have lots of fun.

Dee said...

Hey, Barb...

I'm going to steal a page from every crafter's book and take pictures of my projects and post them here.