Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And you want me to wear *what*?

Ya know...

It's one thing to be employed as a contract worker for a major pharmaceutical company in Northern New Jersey (which I will say no more about, lest I be "dooced"), but 'tis also another thing to hear from your agency that you should be dressed in "formal interview wear" in 105° degree heat.

Let's just say that this information was passed along to me earlier today from my contact at said agency via email...and, it's probably a good idea that we didn't speak on the phone since I would have told her...

"Are you bloody mad?" You are *so* not getting me into a skirt suit, with hose and heels in this heat! The fine folk at the other location will just have to deal with me on my own terms...meaning brains and experience mean more than what I'm wearing.

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