Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Now, let's see...if I look in my "American College Dictionary" circa 1964 (think I need a new one?), there are fourteen definitions for this term, and not one of them even comes close to the concept that we've all come to associate with proper social behaviour.

The terms "class" and "classy" has been thrown around for ages, and mostly inappropriately. You know...Lyle Lovett is a "class act", Madonna is not.

"Project Runway" is a classy "reality show", but "All-Star's Big Brother" aint.

In my mind, class is grace. Class is that sort of intangible quality that the-late-but-unforgettable Katherine Hepburn had; so, of course you have Paul Newman, Meryl Streep, Alan Alda, Martin Sheen, Candace Bergen (and I'm sure you could name others!) all had, from the others who just *don't have it*.

Class defines athletes(and former coaches), as well such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, John Madden, Donovan McNabb, Rick Patino, and I could go on and on all evening!

But, they were warned. Between Jimmy Jones and Bill Parcells, they were told that this is a player without any class.

Or any grace.


Paul Bobnak said...

Y'now, there aren't any politicians I can think of who had grace. Maybe Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Given the current standards, the Dems could sure use someone like him today. And the GOP could too, of course!

Dee said...

Certainly, Moynihan had grace, but you're right.

And since grace doesn't equal charisma, you can't add Bill Clinton to this list, either (as much as I'd like to!)

But, you also may need to add Martin Luther King and perhaps, Senator Obama.

Now, here's someone who excudes class and grace!