Sunday, August 27, 2006

And, all I wanted was some coffee...

Well, I'm an easy sort of gal, you know...I'm always open to have a conversation.

We live in very difficult times, and we may not always agree with each other, but if we're both willing to talk, perhaps we can come together and forge some sort of agreement with each other.

I truly understand that there are a lot of very angry people out there, for whatever reasons.

So, here's me...driving down Route 206 on Friday afternoon, and in desperate need to feed my late afternoon caffiene fix. "I Spy" a 7-11, and a good parking spot on the side, since all I wanted to do was enjoy my coffee and have a smoke.

If I'm going to take a break, I prefer to do that away from the entrance to any convenience store. I don't want to subject anyone to my second-hand smoke (really, I don't) as people with kids are going in and out, and besides...I've been driving for two hours, and I'd like a break, myself.

And there it was...a huge SUV blocking my way into said spot. So, I pulled into the one in front of the store, and then I noticed that SUV was blocking me, so that I couldn't get out...

...and then, the driver got out, and she was obviously hell-bent on confronting me.

So, I got out of my car (with cell phone in hand!), and I was accused left, right, up and down about how I dropped the "f-bomb" to her, and how she was being a nice person and giving me her spot, and how I *dare* put her in a bad mood...she was just raving, and her face was a very violent shade of purple.

While I'm sure the teenagers' in the parking lot may have been looking forward to a cat fight between two middle-aged ladies, I just shrugged her off, and walked in to get my coffee.

Everyone in the 7-11 saw it, and when I walked in, I said, "Hey, there's a crazy lady in the parking lot!", and then we all saw her eyeing up the back end of my little Scion xA.

I have absolutely no idea what she was up to, but I guess there were too many eyes on her, and she pulled out and left.

I'll leave it all up to you to discuss how someone could be that angry.

1 comment:

Paul Bobnak said...

Well, some might suggest PMS. But perhaps she has some deep-seated insecurities: your small car that makes you feel comfortable vs her gas-guzzling SUV.