Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just Lovin' This Short Work Week!

Ah, yes...Wednesday's out of the way, and tomorrow's traffic to blog about today (and I'm sure some of my core readers will be very happy about that), but I think I may have identified a weapon that the government should use against all known terrorists.

See this little bastard up there? Here on the East Coast, it's called a "Bottleneck Green Fly", and it's the scourge of beach goers everywhere.

Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, they bite. Hungry little gits, they are. They're out for blood...mine, yours and any other walking, talking, breathing organism that they can find.

Even worse, they do a full-on attack on you (which England in World Cup action couldn't pull off). They will bombard your car (especially if it's black, for some reason), yourself (if you step out of said car without being entirely covered in DEET) and goddess forbid if you're not used to them.

Believe me, I know. AMF and I made a trip down to the Delaware Bay on Monday, and I'm sure I'll be the subject of local talk for, oh, the next couple of months or so, since I did, indeed, perform an impromptu version of an Irish jig in the parking lot while trying to get all of these nasty creatures off of me and out of my Tevas.


1 comment:

Paul Bobnak said...

The guy catching rays on his rooftop deck sure didn't seem to be bothered by the bloody things ... but then he & the fishermen there may have been so slathered in some noxious repellent that no living thing would want to be around them!