Monday, July 31, 2006

It's time for a break!

Well, I'm going to take a couple of weeks off of blogging.

I need to rethink this site, and what I want to say. I've never really populated the site the way that I'd like, and I'm still not entirely sure it has my voice, either.

Besides, I'm sure all of you are just bloody tired of me complaining about the weather and the traffic!

I'll be posting on and off over the next couple of weeks, but it'll probably be a weekly thing until September redo.

Take care, stay cool, and keep checking in!


barbp said...

Hi and thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog letting me know you were out here. This is my first time by, and I imagine that I may be making a turn by here every now and then for a rest area!!

Love the blog title and how it relates to your daily commute. What a hassle, eh?

I also enjoy your "voice". Eclectic rather than one topic is very enjoyable.

Enjoy your renewed friendship with your crochet hook.


Paul Bobnak said...

Stay cool hon!

Dee said...

Thanks for checking in, Barb!

It's good to hear that you like my "blog voice", and yeah, it is eclectic, and will continue to be exactly that!

But, I'm also a vegetarian cook, music lover and newby crafter, and I want to add those links to my site as well.

So, this is "work in progress"!