Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Political Science

MadBlogger will certainly acknowledge the fact that many of my emails to him since the start of the war have been thinly disguised political rants in nature.

It's no secret to anyone who reads this blog what my personal politics are.

But, I'm deeply disturbed when the "Today" show spends three hours on Katie Couric's departure and shoes and hair(Trev, she's a newsreader...nothing more and nothing less), and not nearly enough on what may have happened in Haditha.

Go here. Bush only found out about the Haditha massacre from "Time" magazine. So much for the new press secretary.

Jonathan Alterman does a wonderful blog on MSNBC's website, and one of his frequent contributors is LTC Bateman. Lieutenant Colonel Bateman is one terrific example of why the American military does "what it needs to do", and why people in the US miltary, well, snap. Go here to see this terrific blog entry.

I never thought I'd get this political on my blog, but yes, I am.

As the old saying goes, "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."

Monday, May 29, 2006

What do you mean it's 92 degrees?

Oh, jeez Louise...only three more months of this weather and, guess what?

Only three more months of me being one cranky lass...imagine that!

The pictures will be posted tomorrow, but for now I'm thinking that my pillows are looking really good at this point, LOL!

Cheers, all!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm not sunburned...just sunkissed...and kissed, and kissed...

How much do I love summer? Let me count the ways!

Is it just me, or do I hear crickets in the background?

Let me put this another way...I love all of the outdoor things you can do in summer, I just hate the heat. I need it to be about 10 degrees cooler than it usually is.

However, we did a couple of way cool things this to see World Party live (even got to meet Karl Wallinger), and we finally made it to Citizens' Bank Park to see those Fightin's win!

I now have more pictures of Karl Wallinger and the Phanatic (but not together) than should be legal in any state.

I'll post those when I get home some really good ones!

Off to moisturize...and moisturize some more.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

And, "It's All About The Weekend!"

Well, yes, it is!

AMF and I will be doing the volunteer thing for the station at the annual "Jam On The River", and since this woman never needs an excuse to dance, I'll be doing just that when Karl and World Party take the stage on Saturday afternoon.

Wow...I remember when this wasn't called "Jam On The River"...the original 'fest name was "Jambalaya Jam", and I remember going there back in the early '90's and seeing The Radiators and Little Feat!

And then, we're going to see those Fightins' on Sunday afternoon.

Hey, we're busy, what can I say? ;)

I'll take lots of pictures and post them when I come back.

Really, I promise!

Have a great holiday weekend!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One Very Tired Blogger!

Well, I apologize for the lack of any new bloggage for the past couple of days...I've just been crazy busy, so here's the latest update:

Yes, I did buy a new digital camera: 'tis a Panasonic DMC-LMZ2, and I'll post the link to it as soon as Panasonic decides to update their website.

Yes, I do know who will be playing at the station's "All About The Music" festival this year! David Dye will be annoucing the partial lineup tomorrow at 4 PM on Wednesday, and no, I won't tell you!

I know I've promised recipes, cooking tips and the like, but I'm still trying to figure out the best way to handle text, photos and attachments without enlisting a free hosting service and reliving FTP nightmares.

And yes, the Phillies are winning!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fresh bloggage?

But, it's Saturday!

Sorry, nothing a fish pie in the oven, provencale green beans good to go, coffee ice cream for dessert and we're about to put on the Phillies' game.

Back with fresh stuff tomorrow!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

"Old Music Thursday"

And, here's where I've had a long, long week...and all I want to listen to is great, comforting type stuff - the songs and the albums that just make me happy, and the ones that are best served with macaroni and cheese or mashed potatoes!

The Beatles come to mind, and if it's going to be the "Fab Four", it's got to be "Revolver" and "Rubber Soul".

Joni Mitchell's "Court And Spark" and "Hejira", too.

Coltrane's "A Love Supreme", of course, and Miles's "Sketches Of Spain". A bit of Herbie Hancock wouldn't go amiss, either.

Anything by Rod Stewart in his '70's rocking days, and the same goes for the Kinks, too.

So, I'll leave this discussion up to all of you!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mmmm...let's talk food!

I've yet to introduce this topic on the blog, but anyone who knows me understands that I love to eat, love to cook, love to talk about cooking, chat about what I've eaten in my travels, or even, talk about supermarkets (my boyfriend and I defintely have certain reservations about where we'll shop).

I'm also a certified "food snob" when it comes to buying ingredients (as AMF will tell you!), but I've also created dinners for us that would cost well over 50 per person here in Philly.

With a nice bottle of wine, no less!

I'll post those recipes tomorrow...stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Picture Book"

So, I was at "NonComm '05" about this time last year as a volunteer for XPN, and I brought my camera along.

Between the fun (and very hard work) that all of us station volunteers did, I only managed to take a few snaps, and that was one (or two) of the entire crew at the registration table.

Why? Because I ran out of film.

Yeah, I know, and everyone did stop laughing.


And you know what? I think that picture is still sitting on my roll of film that's still residing in my Canon Elph, which I've yet to develop!

For someone that's been online since '92 (and remembers Windows 3.1 and pre-Pent PCs), I think it's high time I move into the new millenium and bought a digital camera.

Now, before my core readership (waving at Trev!) busts a gut, please know something...I can now buy a great camera for under $200.

And, if 6 MP, 3X optical zoom and the rest of those goodies don't make you drool for that price, well, then, damn...might want to check your pulse to see if it's still working, and all.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I Ain't Got Nothin' Tonight!

No, seriously...go and eat that entire pint of "Ben and Jerry's" that's been sitting in your freezer for the past couple of days (listen, I know you bought that pint of "Cherry Garcia" over the weekend!).

Yeah, and you only thought the NSA had the goods on you!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Night Links

Well, I know I promised new bloggage this evening, so here we go!

As MadBlogger will tell you, I just love the UK, and Scotland in particular. So, go here to see some great amateur shots of Scotland (and, I did have one published on the Beeb, myself...I'll post that one later on this week).

For those of you who know me (and, for the new readers who don't!), I've got a very dry sense of humour. So, go here, and here for links that make me laugh every day.

A number of years ago, Madblogger and I made our way up to the Shetland Islands and the Orkneys, too, which is a trip that I highly recommend to anyone who really wants to "get away from it all"...'tis an absolutely *gorgeous* area that's almost untouched by the rest of the world. Check the local news out here, and the great comic "The Giddy Limit" here.

And, I'd be remiss if I didn't wish a "Happy Mother's Day!" to all of the "Mom's" who may be reading this!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

'Tis a "No Fresh Bloggage" Saturday Night

Oops...sorry, everyone!

I know all of you have just been absolutely besides yourself since I haven't posted anything new in the past two days.

More stuff to come tomorrow night!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Music Thursday

Hey, what do you know? It's "New Music Thursday"!

Now, this isn't new, but I think this is going to be essential for summertime listening..."Thunder, Lightning, Strike" by "The Go! Team".

Yeah, I know, the sampling of the cheerleaders will turn some people off (and it's a whole CD of that sort of thing), but it's chock-full of great summertime-type pop grooves.

If you fell in love with the first US single "Ladyflash", you'll be very happy with the rest of the CD. Just remember...this is a "mood and groove" sort of piece, and it won't be to everyone's taste.

This isn't quite new either, but the freshman effort by "The Magic Numbers" should also be at the top of your list, too. 'Tis all light and groovy with great harmonies (consider an updated version of a UK version of "The Mamas and the Papas"), but the underlying songwriting is excellent.

Now, since we're all about getting into the summertime mode, here are my picks for CD's that have stood the test of time.

Kirstie MacColl, "Tropical Brainstorm". Yes, this was released posthoumously after her tragic death, but there's so much more to this work than just "In These Shoes?" (and yes, that is one of my favourite songs of all time!). She became enamoured of Cuban and South American music, and this CD tells that tale.

I should also add that, as a student of the "Jerry Blavat Dance School", you can do the "Cha-cha-cha" very nicely to most of this CD!

And, I've got to throw in a classic here..."Feats Don't Fail Me Now" by Little Feat. Between the obvious hits ("Rock and Roll Doctor", "Oh, Atlanta" and the rest), this is just great music to listen to while you're dancing and getting all sweaty with the one you love.

Not that I would know anything about that... ;*)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bad Drivers...really, really bad drivers

Memo To: Any Driver I've Encountered Today
Memo From: That little gray Scion xA

Okay, it's time we all sat down and had some sort of friendly conversation, especially after what happened on the way home. The tea and cookies are over there, but you (yes, you!) "Ms. Black Corolla", let me start with you!

See, you shouldn't be putting on your makeup and chatting on your cell while you're trying to pass me on the right as we're all merging onto the Garden State Parkway. And, as you're still wondering why I flipped you the third finger of my right hand, you should never pass people on the right, especially on the shoulder lane of an on ramp.

And, all that got you was two cars ahead of me. Didn't you see that accident? Would you like to cause another one?

Next..."Mr. Lincoln Continental".

Dude! That's a great old car, but you're seriously underestimating how big that boat is! Here's a bit of advice; if you can't parallel park on Main Street in Madison, just go one block in and park in community parking. There's no need to back up traffic up to Chatham because you're still learning parallel parking, 'kay?

"Ms. Yukon".

Please don't drive anything larger that you can't handle. Seriously.

I watched you trying to park that monster vehicle in the "Whole Foods" parking lot a few weeks back, and it's clear that you can't do it.

You were backing up and forth, turning that steering wheel like hell, just trying to fit into a parking spot at "Whole Foods".

Incidentally, your rear-view mirrors are all bloody goofed up, and you can't see anything from them. You almost ran me over coming out of "Whole Foods" with my lunch because you couldn't see me, and if I ever see you pealing out of the "Whole Foods" parking lot again doing 40 MPH onto Main Street with kids in the car, I'll be on the cell so quickly to the Madison Police it'll make your head spin.

"Mr. Chrysler 300 With The Hemi"

I mean, really...all I was trying to do was pass you.

And, you decided to get all macho about it, and challenge me.

You know there's absolutely no way I could pass you (which is why I stay in the middle lane), but no, you're not nearly as handsome as you think you are.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Guillemots" At "World Cafe Live"!

Oh, yeah...oh, my!

So, let's see...Pink's new backup singers are the Indigo Girls, we've got Bruce braying with his take on old Pete Seeger songs, Vedder and the boys are back with "Worldwide Suicide", it certainly looks like Neil Young's got a hit, and the inexplicable collaboration between Paul Simon and Brian Eno called "Surprise" dropped today, and it sounds pretty good to me. Apparently, I'll still love Paul Simon when he is 64!

Now, don't get me wrong...there's a ton of great music coming out of the States these days, and I'm thrilled about the return to more politically charged songs (listen to Simon's "How Can You Live In The Northeast" or the single from Elvis Costello and Alan Toussiant called "Tears, Tears and More Tears", and you'll see what I mean).

But, sometimes a girl's just gotta dance, and some of the best pop music is coming out of the UK these days. The Magic Numbers, The Go-Team, James Hunter...and the Guillemots.

If you can imagine a heady combination between the "Dream Academy", very early Chris Martin keyboard-type stylings and then add some ska to that mix...they've got a sound that's entirely their own, and incredibly dancable.

Please...if you don't start moving and grooving to "Trains To Brazil", you'd better have someone check your pulse.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Nothing new tonight...check in tomorrow!

See, it's late, and I ain't got nothing!

Really, nothing.

Go to sleep...but there's going to be a lot of music to talk about next week.

So, why are you still reading this?

Go. To. Sleep. Now.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

"United 93"

If I asked any of you to remember where you were on September 11, 2001, when you first heard about the two planes striking the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, you could tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing when you knew something wasn't quite right.

Perhaps you had the "Today" show on, maybe you were in work listening to NPR", or perhaps you were checking out "CNN" on the Web. Maybe a co-worker told you about a story that a light plane had struck one of the "Twin Towers"...and, just in that moment, you knew everything in your world had changed.

It's one of those awful moments in history that everyone seems to collect during their lifetimes; Pearl Harbor being bombed, the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Kent State, the Challenger explosion. The horrific tsunami of Christmas, 2004. Katrina.

So, why should I persuade you to go and see "United 93"? You know the story, and you already know the ending. That day has been imprinted onto your personal history like no other, so why should you care? Why should you want to relive the chaos, the confusion and the abject horror of that day?

Because you need to remember, whether you choose to or not.

It doesn't matter right now what your feelings, thoughts or politics are against the war or the current adminstration.

This is not a film about politics, or religion or race. This is a film about people that come together underneath the worse possible circumstances in recent memory.

And yes, it's time. Go and remember.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Some of these things belong together, one of these things doesn't belong...

Okay, this is old news, but these two phrases together are still making me giggle:

"Keith Richards" and "coconut tree".

Poor tree.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"New Music Thursday"

Yes, I know, all new music drops on Tuesday! Believe me, you don't volunteer for the finest station on the planet ( and not know that bit of information.

But, I thought it'd be fun to chat about new stuff, and then present other things that have held the test of time.

I'm a little late coming to Beth Orton's "Comfort Of Strangers" (especially since "Conceived" was released as a single here in the States last December). This is a fine CD, but only if you're a Beth Orton fan.

If you're used to hearing her airy, fragile voice on chill CD "Ministry Of London" re-mixes, then this is not the CD for you. However, if you'd like to hear what she can do as a songwriter, pick this one up.

World Party has moved back into town, and has reissued all of their previous CD's (thanks, Karl!) I haven't had a chance to pick up "Dumbing Up" yet, but as I understand, this isn't new material. "Dumbing Up" was released in the UK a number of years ago, and it's only been issued in the States now.

Karl Wallinger (who is, for all intents and purposes, "World Party") suffered an aneurysm a few years back that left him without the ability to speak. Anyway, it'll be a pleasure to pick up the reissues of "Private Revolution" and "Egyptology" without paying what wants for it (sorry, Madblogger, the pound still isn't my friend).

I'm really excited about the new "Zero 7" CD, since, well, I'm 41 years old, LOL! I think it was Nick Hornsby who said, "Just when we all got too old for dance music, here comes the chillout stuff."

Moby has new instrumentals up on his MySpace site...haven't listened to them yet, but I will. I'm a huge fan of the little, bald vegan guy. Incidentally, don't miss him live; he puts on one hell of a show.

And, I'd really disappoint Madblogger if I didn't mention the new Mark Knopfler/Emmylou Harris effort. This is my next purchase, and I've really loved everything I've heard from it so far. It's not going to be to everyone's taste, since it seems to have a very old-timey "Johnnie/June" feel to it, but I'm a sucker for Knopfler's guitar work and Emmylou's voice. So, there!

So, out of the stack the other day, I pulled out Jeb Loy Nichols' "Just What Time it Is" and Pat Metheny's freshman effort "Bright Size Life".

And, what's not to love about "Bright Size Life"! You've got Pat, the late (but great) Jaco Pastorius on bass and Bob Moses on drums. It's a classic trio that only borders on what Pat would eventually do with a full band. This isn't "smooth jazz" at all...there is some serious groovitude going on, even when it does slow down a bit.

Now, you either love Jeb Loy Nichols or he puts you to sleep. I'm in the former category, but this is one terrific CD to put on when you just want to relax or slow down a bit. I love this guy's voice, and the music is very groove-worthy and entirely danceable, but in a slow, sexy kind of way.

Anyway, let me know if you'd like me to continue doing "New Music Thursdays"! It certainly makes it easier on my end!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's Deja Food All Over Again

So, a few weeks ago, I was surfing "USA Today's" website, and found a lovely interview with an author named Kaavya Viswanathan. I read the excerpt from her new book, "How Opal Mehta...", and I thought, wow, that'll be a great summer read.

Normally, I don't go for books that are covered in cotton-candy pink and complete with the "Curlz" font, but I liked the online piece from the first chapter.

You know it... we all like "light reads" during the summer. I kept promising myself that I'd finally re-read Jane Austen, but then the new "Harry Potter" came out, and then I had to re-read all of them can see the problem.

This young author is now being accused of plagarism, which brings up a very interesting question for the blogosphere: is there any original thought left out here?

For example, check out the title for this blog entry; I've used the term "deja food" from Crescent Dragonwagon's most excellent cookbook ("The Passionate Vegetarian"), and I've also co-opted the title of a John Fogerty song.

Do I expect any patent or music industry attorney to show up at my door anytime soon? No, of course not.

I've just made a salad of steamed broccoli, whole wheat couscous, beans and tossed it around with a nice dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, oregano and salt and pepper. Am I the first person to do such a thing? Of course not (but it tastes damn good!).

And, if I pair that with some stuffed grape leaves (from "Trader Joe's", that I already have), I've just recreated a salad plate that "Whole Paycheck" charges $6.99 for.

But, I've also found that if you check out the blogs, and check out their links, and then check out those links...blogger plagarism is pretty prevalent.

Which brings us back to the original discussion...are there any original ideas out there, or are we just recycling the old ones?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's a gas, gas, gas

And, here's where this blog takes a political turn for the evening.

Remember, way back when, right after "our fearless leader" was "elected" for the first time, he decided to squander some of the money from the previously balanced budget and send all of us "checks" for around $300 or so.

Of course, this was a loan on your taxes for the next year.

So, those geniuses in DC have decided that the $100 "Gas Rebate Gift" ain't gonna fly since we won't be fooled again.

But, you gotta love the statement from the White House earlier today: "We're afraid that everyone would spend that money on gas."

I mean, can't make this stuff up!

Monday, May 01, 2006

So, where the bloody hell are you?

Okay, so it's not like the blogosphere needed another "slice of life" blog, but if you've found this out of the middle of nowhere (especially since this is brand new and the search engine spiders haven't found this yet), welcome.

So, feel free to take off your shoes, have a cocktail, light a smoke if you'd like and get comfy. Just be sure to clean up after you leave, okay?

Bear in mind that this is a work in progress. I'm going to make mistakes, but 'tis all in good fun here!

So, now that this is up and running, I'm going to ask a question that's been dogging the Australian travel industry for ages...

Where the bloody hell are you?