Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another interview, another day...

While I don't know what all of you do for a living, it's a given that we all need to pay the bills.

But, if given the chance, would you take the leap and do something different? Or, would you stick with the "same old, same old" just to make the car payment?

I'm at a real crossroads here. I've got an interview with a very major company on Wednesday, but...

The economy is in the loo, and I guess I should take any contract position I can get. And...

It's a long term contract position, and I mean a l-o-n-g term contract position. This could go on for years, with the understanding they will never hire me, along without any benefits.

Well, no's all "window dressing" from here on out just to keep the state happy.

If you're not interested in hiring this incredibly talented, intelligent, creative woman on a full-time basis...I guess this incredibly talented, intelligent, creative woman will have to look elsewhere.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It Ain't No Fun Getting Sick...Again

I've been lucky. I've only been sick three times this year, and not for very long.

I was able to ward off a truly nasty sinus infection back in November, a quasi-flu like bug back in January, and my healthy eating habits knocked down another bug a few weeks back.

Just like a certain governor, I'm finding myself down for the count, once again.

This has been a record year for the flu, as well as other assorted "bugs", so I'm sure all I'll need is some OTC cold meds and a nice evening snoozing away in my flannel pajamas along with some herbal tea, dreaming about my lover, and my two cats keeping me nice and warm.

So, what's on PBS?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Down And Out?

Let's start this conversation by thinking about this, okay?

Just assume, for one minute, you were the Assistant Attorney General in what may be the most powerful city in the financial world. And, just for fun, let's figure that you went after all of the "bad guys" on Wall Street, and it left a bad taste in a lot of mouths.

Now, let's were elected to be "Attorney General" of New York State, and you always targeted the "bad guys" in the state. You were so revered for your work in this state, that you ran for governor, and won the seat.

And, you liked the power. You liked the power so much that, well, you decided that your own love of power preceded the love you have for your wife and your three daughters.

We all know power blinds people, and you're certainly not the first one to discover that. But, power can also encourage people to make better decisions, too.

It's time for you to make a decision, and, dear Governor Spitzer, it better be a good one.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Springing Forward?

Okay, here's where I come down with a virtual hammer and say this is the most absolutely ridiculous and ludicrous idea needs to stop, right here and now.

Yes, I know spring is almost here, and really, I can't wait for it. I'm looking at the red haze on the trees, knowing that one good warm day in a few weeks will make them pop and by the end of the month, we'll see new growth on everything.

In two weeks, the roadside stands in southern New Jersey will be open, selling Easter plants and new asparagus to start their new growing season, too.

It's also mating season, so the birds are working double time these days; there's the typical "I'm here!" call, and then you hear "mating" calls.

It's a lovely thing, wake up a bit before the sun comes up, and hear all of the birds, and two woodpeckers doing a jazz "call and response" with each other.

See, they're just in tune with what they need to do. But, well, not so much for us.

I'm not entirely sure that changing our sleep cycle even by one hour is a good thing, and besides, it's been proven that we're not saving any energy by doing so.

So, enjoy getting up tomorrow and driving to work in what feels like the dead of night, okay? And, let me know how much you like having your own body clock thrown off of schedule, too.


I'm just saying, you know.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over...

So, let's just imagine if any one of us has ever been entirely and truly vetted.

You know, dump the desk drawers of all of our financial records, let all of our family and friends openly chat about your personal life, dig into your sexual preferences, how often you change the sheets or clean the bathroom for all the world to see.

I'm willing to bet we wouldn't like it much; hell, I don't even like people to know that I smoke, since that's my little guilty pleasure (including mashed potatoes with lots of butter, but that's another blog entry).

But, here we are faced with another Democratic conundrum: Hillary or Obama?

I voted for Obama in the New Jersey primary, but I'm beginning to think I wasted my primary vote (even though Hillary won New Jersey).

Now, I'm a huge political geek girl. I'm all about NPR during the day, and especially Brian Lehrer's coverage of the individual state's primaries and caucauses during the evening as they happen. I'm absolutely addicted to that sort of political coverage.

I've done a lot of research, and I'm switching my allegiance to Hillary. Not that anyone reading this blog really cares, but I think she's the better candidate to face off against McCain in November.

Besides, I'm pretty sure she likes mashed potatoes, too.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So, who do we want?

And, let's see...

It's no longer up to us; now the fine people from four other states just may seal the deal this evening for the two eventual candidates, and it may be that after this evening, this is all we're left with.

Sure, I'd like to see either Hillary or Obama win in November, so that we could be a part of history. Yes, I want to be part of a movement, and I'm sure that either of them could beat McCain in November.

But...I'm just not sure the Democratic party supported the right ones...I'm just saying, you know.