Monday, December 04, 2006

Is There Anything Better Than Listening to Jonathan Schwartz on a Monday Night?

“I’m Jonathan Schwartz, and it’s a Saturday afternoon. It’s noon here in New York City, nine o’clock in the morning on the West Coast. And, here’s a Rodgers and Hart song for your consideration…”

And then, for four hours he’ll play some of the best, classic music you’ve ever heard.

This is not the rock and roll or funk or anything that you’ve grown up with, no indeed. If the late Scott Muni was “The Professor” of rock and roll, this man is the dean of “The Great American Songbook.”

I don’t spend time up in the WNYC area during the weekends these days, so I do miss Jonathan’s Saturday and Sunday afternoon show, but tonight he’s live on WNYC’s “Night Music” playing his picks for “WNYC Must Have Festival 2006”.

And, now he’s playing a Sinatra tune with a Riddle arrangement. It’s “Blues In The Night”, and this is just so sweet.

Now, it’s a classic Billie song…”I Thought About You”.

Guess what? He's just picked "Honky Tonk Women" ! He's just way, way too cool for the room...simply ageless.

Got to go...more Jonathan to come.


Paul Bobnak said...

He sounds just too cool! Too bad that kind of music AND presence is so little in Philadelphia radio.

Dee said...

Forget Philadelphia radio...he's the last of a fading breed anywhere.

I don't know of anyone else in public radio who still actively promotes the "Great American Songbook" as much as he does, and this is why when he speaks, I listen!