Thursday, August 31, 2006

Car Talk

I drive.

A lot.

And, I'm not talking about these little jumps back and forth to the local Wegman's or Target...I'm talking about putting on some serious mileage on your odometer.

For the past nine months, I've done a commute that would wilt much stronger men. Fifty miles a day, round trip.

In New Jersey.


Then, every Friday afternoon after work, I'd make the drive down to AMF's place outside of Philly so we could spend the weekend together (brief disclosure: he's so worth it!), so that's another 90 miles or so. One way.

Anyway, I spend an awful lot of time in my car and as a result, you tend to end up with a lot of stuff in the back seat, since that's become my unofficial "closet space" while I'm on the road.

And, like a closet that isn't "Martha" perfect, it will get out of hand. But, like a typical messy closet or junk drawer (and you know you have one, or the other or both), everything you've been looking for will be there!

I found:

The huge pins for my Scottish kilts (I hear plaid is big this year).
More CD's than are probably legal in any country.
More pairs of shoes than any woman should own.
Cookbooks. Lots and lots of cookbooks.
Two pair of earrings. In the ashtray.
One can of vegetarian refried beans (don't ask).
The one-and-only belt that works with my jeans, which I could not find last weekend.

And, my favourite bit of paper...directions to AMF's house from last October!

Who knows what I'm going to find when I go through my cargo space next week...

Have a great holiday weekend...I know for all of us on the East Coast, it's going to be a stormy one, but seriously...when was the last time you saw "Casablanca" or played a game of "Scrabble"?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Now, let's see...if I look in my "American College Dictionary" circa 1964 (think I need a new one?), there are fourteen definitions for this term, and not one of them even comes close to the concept that we've all come to associate with proper social behaviour.

The terms "class" and "classy" has been thrown around for ages, and mostly inappropriately. You know...Lyle Lovett is a "class act", Madonna is not.

"Project Runway" is a classy "reality show", but "All-Star's Big Brother" aint.

In my mind, class is grace. Class is that sort of intangible quality that the-late-but-unforgettable Katherine Hepburn had; so, of course you have Paul Newman, Meryl Streep, Alan Alda, Martin Sheen, Candace Bergen (and I'm sure you could name others!) all had, from the others who just *don't have it*.

Class defines athletes(and former coaches), as well such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, John Madden, Donovan McNabb, Rick Patino, and I could go on and on all evening!

But, they were warned. Between Jimmy Jones and Bill Parcells, they were told that this is a player without any class.

Or any grace.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I love rain.

I love the gentle sound of it during the spring when it's finally time to open up the windows after a long winter and smell that great, sweet spring air that wafts in.

I look forward to the summer when the western sky turns inky black, knowing that relief from a heat wave is on the way.

And, my favourite? A good rainy, chilly weekend in the autumn here on the East Coast. I'm a "comfort creature" by nature, so that gives me the most excellent excuse to cook and bake, wear sweats and warm socks, watch football and hockey and cuddle up with AMF!

However, rain isn't everyone's friend.

As I'm sure all of you know, today is the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's landfall on the Gulf Coast.

The rebuilding process will be an on-going effort for years...please take some time out this week and consider how you may be able to contribute to this cause.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

And, all I wanted was some coffee...

Well, I'm an easy sort of gal, you know...I'm always open to have a conversation.

We live in very difficult times, and we may not always agree with each other, but if we're both willing to talk, perhaps we can come together and forge some sort of agreement with each other.

I truly understand that there are a lot of very angry people out there, for whatever reasons.

So, here's me...driving down Route 206 on Friday afternoon, and in desperate need to feed my late afternoon caffiene fix. "I Spy" a 7-11, and a good parking spot on the side, since all I wanted to do was enjoy my coffee and have a smoke.

If I'm going to take a break, I prefer to do that away from the entrance to any convenience store. I don't want to subject anyone to my second-hand smoke (really, I don't) as people with kids are going in and out, and besides...I've been driving for two hours, and I'd like a break, myself.

And there it was...a huge SUV blocking my way into said spot. So, I pulled into the one in front of the store, and then I noticed that SUV was blocking me, so that I couldn't get out...

...and then, the driver got out, and she was obviously hell-bent on confronting me.

So, I got out of my car (with cell phone in hand!), and I was accused left, right, up and down about how I dropped the "f-bomb" to her, and how she was being a nice person and giving me her spot, and how I *dare* put her in a bad mood...she was just raving, and her face was a very violent shade of purple.

While I'm sure the teenagers' in the parking lot may have been looking forward to a cat fight between two middle-aged ladies, I just shrugged her off, and walked in to get my coffee.

Everyone in the 7-11 saw it, and when I walked in, I said, "Hey, there's a crazy lady in the parking lot!", and then we all saw her eyeing up the back end of my little Scion xA.

I have absolutely no idea what she was up to, but I guess there were too many eyes on her, and she pulled out and left.

I'll leave it all up to you to discuss how someone could be that angry.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wow...a week off!

So, please excuse me if I sound a bit giddy throughout this post, but I'm really besides myself with joy, because next week I have...

A. Week. Off.

If anyone reading this blog is a fellow contract employee, you'll fully appreciate this incredible concept. You know, the whole "if-you-don't-work-you-don't-get-paid" deal, which is why I think we appreciate it more.

Yes, I have interviews and the like, but really, it's the last weekend of summer and I'm going to drain every moment of my free time this week doing things that I enjoy.

I'd like to say that I've got a major "to do" know, swapping out the summer clothes for the fall ones, cleaning the windows and sorting out the sock drawer...that sort of thing.

I can tell you right now that none of the above will happen.

So far, here's what's on my "To Do" list for next week:

1 - Sleep in, and turn off the cell phone.
2 - Make tea, put on some music, and finish up crocheting that pillow cover that I've been working on for the past couple of weeks.
3 - Take a nap. In the afternoon. I hear it's good for recharging your brain cells.
4 - Work on the blanket that I've been promising my boyfriend for ages. Make more tea, and catch up with "Project Runway" in afternoon reruns.
5 - Visit local farmers' markets, and make pesto. Buy more tea.
6 - Make one perfect tomato sandwich for lunch, which will be followed by a nap.
7 - Catch up with friends - one for lunch, and one for dinner. Lunch, of course, will be followed by a nap.
8 - Explore some local crafts and yarn stores.
9 - Update and redo blogs.
10 - Take a nap.

And that, my friends, is my idea of an almost-perfect week off!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Check This Space!

As a wise man once said, "As one door closes, another one opens", and that will be my life next week.

My current contract ends on Friday, and I'll probably have a week or two before that next career door opens up for me.

So, in between checking out, I'll be seeing how many people have recently viewed my resume, and in between interviews, I'll have the time to entirely redo this blog.

Take care, and do drop in next week to check out the new changes!

In the meantime, enjoy the softer side of late August. Find trees that are already turning color! Go and find a local farm stand, and pick great, perfectly ripe tomatoes for salad or tomato sandwiches.

What, you've never had a tomato sandwich? Good goddess, what are you waiting for? ;) This is the only time of the year where you can eat such a great creation!

Take two slices of whole grain bread (seriously, white bread or a roll will not work here at all). Slice one great, ripe tomato (preferably with a thin, serrated knife)into very, very thin slices.

Tear up some fresh basil and add it to some mayonnaise. If you'd like to make your own, even better. And no, that ugly concoction call "Miracle Whip" is simply unacceptable here.

Add a pinch of salt, and good grind of freshly ground black pepper.

Now, spread your basil-mayo concoction on both sides of the bread; add lettuce and/or very thinly sliced red onion rings, if you'd like. A few slices of Swiss or a good aged Gouda would work, too. Oh, and if you're a veghead, do feel free to add some "Baco-Bits".

And, here's the key part to this it down. Take your hands, and make a 3" sandwich into 1"...yeah, it's going to look really ugly, but it'll taste like a dream!

Trust me on this. Really!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And you want me to wear *what*?

Ya know...

It's one thing to be employed as a contract worker for a major pharmaceutical company in Northern New Jersey (which I will say no more about, lest I be "dooced"), but 'tis also another thing to hear from your agency that you should be dressed in "formal interview wear" in 105° degree heat.

Let's just say that this information was passed along to me earlier today from my contact at said agency via email...and, it's probably a good idea that we didn't speak on the phone since I would have told her...

"Are you bloody mad?" You are *so* not getting me into a skirt suit, with hose and heels in this heat! The fine folk at the other location will just have to deal with me on my own terms...meaning brains and experience mean more than what I'm wearing.