Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Good goddess, according to the latest forecast, we're due for anywhere between 1 and 4 inches of rain.

In the next 24 hours. Let me repeat that, for those of you who aren't listening...in the next 24 hours.

For those of you who aren't interested in my latest weather report, here's a few other tidbits that you may find interesting:

JK Rowling has admitted that she's going to kill off two of her major characters in Book Seven. My money's on Arthur Weasley and his turncoat son, Percy.

'Tis groundhog season! And you thought that "Groundhog Day" was in February...nope, between AMF and I, we've seen more groudhogs in the past two months, and we love to see them running around. Yeah, we love the little beasts, and we have pictures to prove it...

World Cup thoughts...those Aussie Soccaroos were robbed, I tell you! That was one cheap penalty called against all of those sexy, Italian "Serie A" players. Never should have happened. The Australians were robbed of a victory in the knockout round.

My two favourite kicks of the tourney so far...watching Becks bend it. Say what you will about his "high lifestyle", but he's really got it. Oh, and the Argentinian player and that amazing footwork to get that goal.

I'm supporting England and I will not be going anywhere on Saturday morning when they play Portugal!


Paul Bobnak said...

"Sexy Italian players"? Wait a second, there! ;-)

Dee said...

Oh, relax! ;)

When I mean "sexy", all I meant was that the Italian "Serie A" is a very attractive team to play for, in terms of football and such.

Kind of like Becks playing for Real Madrid.

In other words, playing for the Yankees sexy...the Phils, not so much.