Monday, June 05, 2006

Driving 101 this thing on?

Yes, well, thanks! Please start the slide show.

Nice to see all of you here...As a public service, I've been asked to introduce all of you to what the car makers call a "stem"...that doohickey that protrudes from the left hand side of your steering wheel.

Slide one, please.

Now, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, this is called a "turn signal", and it does amazing things!

Did you know that when you move this into the "down position", all of your exterior lights turn on so that other people driving know where you're going?

Yeah, that's the truth! And, even better, your dashboard even lights up with a little red arrow pointing to the right, so that other people driving seventy five miles an hour can anticipate your next move.

Ain't that cool?

Even better, if you move it up, you'll let people know when you're moving to the left! See how well this works?

Next slide, please.

I don't want to confuse anyone, but since everyone here is new at using this, please, please refrain from moving the stem towards you (since that may activate the wipers on your particular car) or away from you (this class will not teach you how to properly use your high beams, and that will be covered in "Driving 304").

Please end the slide show, thanks.


Paul Bobnak said...

Nice slide show!

So, when do we get out on the road??

Dee said...

Any time you're ready! ;)