Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Not So Hot Fun In The Summertime

If you've read a couple of my past posts, you'll all know that I'm not a fan of the typical hot, humid weather during this time of year on the East Coast.

Actually, I'll be the first one to say that "this heat sucks!" in late June and yes, please feel free to quote me on that around late July or early August when all of you begin to stick, sweat and fry in your shorts, tees and Teva sandals while at your local arts or music festival.

I live in an area of the country where we have all four seasons, but I just don't get summer. I don't understand the whole "New Joisey" mindset of "going down-a-shaw" for the weekend, or why, like lemmings, everyone is willing to pay tons of money to rent a summer place, buy expensive tags (shouldn't the beach and the sea be free?) just to be able to deep fry their skin along with another couple of thousand folks next to them?

If anyone can explain this to me, please do. I'd really like to hear your side of the story.

Almost two decades ago, I did this whole beach thing myself. I'd get up dead early on a Saturday morning and make my way down to Sandy Hook just to beat the traffic. I'd spread out on my blanket, oil myself up and...

Just lay on the beach.

I was bored to tears. I did this for exactly one summer.

So, what's the appeal of the beach during the summer for all of you? Inquiring minds want to know!

1 comment:

Paul Bobnak said...

That's why I like the mountains!

In all fairness, I don't mind "da shore" every once in a while, but that's it. Every weekend? Done that! Too much money & aggravation!