Thursday, June 08, 2006

Goooaaaaalll !!!

I mean, really...

I could talk about Ann Coulter, but if I had the opportunity, I'd gladly drive her to Camden, New Jersey, drop her off around, oh, the waterfront and let her make her way back to civilization.

And, I'm being kind!

But, we have more heavy things to consider...

The “ World Cup” starts tomorrow!

Yeah, yeah…I know most of us here in the States are going to give this one a pass again, but you really shouldn’t.

I live in one of the most culturally diverse areas of the country, and this is a great opportunity for all of us to connect to that family down the road who owns the local Asian market.

Or, that nice new Aussie family that just moved in down the road. Really!

Make yourselves more friendly with the less familiar names other than Beckham, Ronaldo and Ronaldohino. And, teams other than Brazil or more gossip than Maradona and his tax problems.

Or, Becks and his wife.

Football (I will not call it soccer here) is called “the beautiful game” for a very good reason…if you love sports, it’s a great game to watch. It’s also a very quick sport to pick up on. Watch a couple of first round matches, and you’ll get it. Really, I promise!

And, I’ll be supporting England, since Rooney’s been cleared to play. I don’t think the US has a chance in Group B (which includes the Czech Republic, Italy and Ghana, and the Czech’s have one strong team).

Now, go and catch up with the rest of the world!

I'll be blogging it as best I can.


Paul Bobnak said...

Should be lots of fun!

Anyone for a real football pool??

Dee said...

Actually, it'd be really cool to do something like the NCAA pool, but there's just not the interest.

And, what a shame...this is the biggest sports event in the entire world, and here in the US we have absolutely *zip* interest in it.