Monday, February 04, 2008

Football and a Political Football

So, let’s review today, okay?

It’s Monday, the Giants won the Super Bowl last night, and as “AllMusicFan” is my witness, I woke up this morning at the goddess-awful time of five saying, “I still can’t believe that the Giants won the Super Bowl.”

It doesn’t quite have the cultural significance of “As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”, but still.

For this dedicated sports fan of all things Philadelphian, this is one big hurt, since the Eagles were thisclose to winning that one game two months back.


Please allow me a minute to two to lick my wounds.

And, for this sports fan that works and lives in “Giants’ Country”, it stings even harder since I’ll have to live and work with all of these rabid fans for the next year, even though I’m secretly wondering where I can hang a dartboard made out of Eli’s picture at work.

Or, perhaps a voodoo doll. You know, I’m just saying.

However, I’m a good-natured, generous soul, and I’ve got a big heart, so I’ve been congratulating all of the Giants fans I know for one terrific well-played game, and it was one of the best Super Bowls that Paul and I had ever watched.

But, I’ve asked all of the Giants fans to do just one thing for me…

“Please don’t turn into those entirely obnoxious and rude ‘Yankee fans'

Oh, and just a reminder...

Tomorrow is “Super-Duper-Tsunami-Performance-Enhanced Tuesday" primary election day here in New Jersey and New York.

I don’t know how many people read this blog, but if you live in one of the 24 states that will be holding a primary or a caucus tomorrow, please, please, get out there and vote for the candidate of your choice.

And always, remember...if you don't vote, you can't bitch.

Yes, the Giants won the Super Bowl, but we have other things to consider…like, who will take the “Oath Of Office” next January?

Yesterday, the Giants and the Pats were just playing for just a game; tomorrow, many of us will be voting for who we want to lead our country next year.

In other words, this is the real "Super Bowl Showdown!"


Paul Bobnak said...

Another bit of advice:

if you live and intend to vote in a midwestern or western state, vote regardless of how things appear to be going in the East. As in football or baseball, pay attention to your own game, because you still have to get to the big playoff ... in November

Dee said...

As usual, AMF has great advice, and I'll echo it here.

Please, please, not pay any attention to the exit polls here on the East Coast, and please don't let them influence your own candidate choice.

Stand strong, and cast your vote for who you think is the better candidate.

And, let's hope that everyone (including MSM, NPR and the blogosphere)aren't calling for winners here on the East Coast well before our own polling places close, since this has been a problem in the past, you know.