Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Embrace your congestion, and pass the tissues!

I'm going to take a bold move here on this blog and just say that all of are sick.

We're all sniffling, sniveling, coughing, if you're lucky. If not, you're dead in bed recovering from the flu, or flat out on the couch hoping that flu cough will go away soon.

As most of you know, I've been fighting a cold for the past two months, and I've named it "Polish Cat Flu"!

As odd as this may sound, I'm just going to give it all up, get good and sick so that I can get this damn thing out of my system.

Really, this isn't a strange idea; you're tired and beat, right? Eat something healthful, take your OTC meds of choice and go to sleep.

And, in the what needs to be done for the day, eat something, take your meds, have some tea and take another nap.

Believe me, you'll feel better!

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