Monday, October 08, 2007

Too warm, too late!

Okay, I want my autumn back.

I want my favorite season returned to me as soon as possible, ‘kay?

Summer, give it up!

Stop holding it hostage…I don’t care what you want, but I’m at the point where I’m willing to give up any historical East Coast storm during the winter just so that I can enjoy my favorite season.

Really, just let it go…you’ll be back soon enough next year.

Oh, and don’t let this week's cold front kick your butt on the way out...just remember to close the door, 'kay?




Paul Bobnak said...

I think the "Heat Miser" made some kind of deal to take over Autumnfcfcn

Dee said...

Autumn may be closing in...looks like the Yanks are losing to the Indians, and Joe Torre will be out of a job by tomorrow.

That sound you may here in an hour so just may be Steinbrenner losing his top!