Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"A Phillies Fan In The Mets Court"

Let’s see…the time is 1:47 PM.

Signed up for “CBS3” updates via the cell? Check.

Fresh coffee? Check.

Did the bathroom break thing? Check.

Is there enough paperwork piled around the desk to look busy for the next two hours? Double check. tabbed on the browser? Of course.

Will Bunch, too? Live blogging the game? Absolutely, and I am there!

Time to wait for the first pitch? Only a small eternity, of course.

And, so we wait.

For those of us out here in those far thrown counties of Central and Northern New Jersey, we wait for that first pitch. Believe me, we're drooling in our keyboards in anticipation.

But, there are always questions that hang in the air:

Should I wear my Phils’ jersey? Do I dare put on my Rollins, or risk having some crazed Mets fan clobber me over the head with an overpriced pineapple in the produce section at Wegmans?

Should I leave the stuffed “Philly Phanatic” sit on my desk, or will I come back in the morning to find it stabbed through it’s little phanatical heart with a letter opener?

And what about my coffee mug?

It’s tough, you know, living in “Mets Country”.

Especially after today’s loss.

Which reminds me...where's my letter opener?

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