Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pullin' The Cord On That Thang!

Somewhere along the way, in our continuously plugged-in, over-scheduled, busy lives, I think we’re all forgetting about what’s really important.

So, here’s my idea…I’d really like for all of us to take a day off and be truly “unplugged”.

No computers, cell phones, emails, text messages, laptops, Blackberrys, iPhones, iPods, voice mail or any other electronic gadgets that we depend upon these days.

Nothing, nada.

Spend the time with your family, kids and friends. Create something amazing with them and make them remember you.

Spend the day reading the book you’ve always wanted to dive into.

Create your own 'fridge art with finger paint, fold origami frogs, find out what birds are in your backyard and put on some Coltrane.

Volunteer for a cause that you believe in, take a hike, make a pot of tea, learn how to knit, plant spring bulbs…do whatever it is that makes you happy.

And, guess what you’ll get back?

The best vacation day you’ve ever had.

Oh, and all of those emails and voice mails...those can wait until tomorrow.


Paul Bobnak said...

Sounds like a great idea to me!

Dee said...

I started writing about the Poconos, and I wandered off into this instead...and, why not?