Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How to make a pot of coffee:

1 - Fill decanter with water.
2 - Place coffee filter in basket.
3 - Measure coffee into said basket.
4 - Pour water into machine, and let it brew into the decanter.

This method works fine, unless you happen to be, say, me, in which case it goes something like this:

1 - Empty decanter, rinse and repeat.
2 - Stare blankly into space until you realize you are out of coffee filters.
3 - Walk across the construction yard to the contractor’s trailer and borrow some of theirs. Make mental note to stop at Wegman’s in the morning.
4 - Take empty decanter over to water dispenser to fill. Stare blankly into space until you realize the container is, indeed, empty.
5 - Pull the empty container out, flip off (hey!) the valve. Ask the assistant construction manager to open a new one. Put the valve back on.
6 - Take empty decanter over to water dispenser to fill. Press on the blue lever, and stare blankly into space as you realize there’s no water coming out of the spigot.
7 - Grab the top of the dispenser and shake, shake, shake, to dislodge that stupid, little, freaking, #$%# ball at the base of the valve because it’s stuck. Again.
8 - Pour coffee, add sugar and milk to taste.

Place coffee on work table next to you. Pick up cup to sip only to discover a gnat doing the backstroke.

So, how was your day?

1 comment:

Paul Bobnak said...

"A gnat doing the backstroke."?
That must be some strong coffee.