Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I've Had Enough, Thanks!

“Yes, I really have, but thank you for asking.”

“No, no really, I really don’t need another roll or another serving of pasta…I’m just fine, thanks! Would you pass the salad, please?”

“Yeah, I’ve had enough, and I’m just fine, but thanks for asking anyway! But, I’d really like some salad.”

“No, really, I’m okay. I’ve just had enough, and maybe I’ll have some leftovers later after the game is over. But, right now, I’d really like some salad.”

“Well, no, I’m not wasting away as a vegetarian. I’m just done for the time being, which is why I’d like to have some salad. See, I prefer to eat my salad after dinner.”

“Yes, I get enough protein in my diet. Could you please, please pass the salad?”

“No, the Boca Italian sausage isn’t gross, actually, it’s really good! May I have the salad, please?”

“Yes, I’ve had enough, but thank you for asking. Oh, and thanks for passing the salad.”

“Now, could someone send some salad dressing my way?”

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's Over! It's Really Over!

Finally, that retail-supported-mall-big-box-store nightmare known as “ChristmasKwanzaaKah” is over.

Done, finished, finit. Stuffed like the leftover turkey and the last detritus of the wrapping paper into the trash, and good riddance, too.

Believe me, I’m not the Grinch…I love the holiday season, I really do.

It’s just that over the years I’ve just grown very, very (did I mention very?) resentful how retailers start to shove this season down our throats earlier and earlier each year.

I understand this isn’t a new complaint, and trust me on this…I’ll be blogging about how I can’t find a good sweater in six weeks’ time when all of the swimsuits are out in February in the middle of a blizzard.

I’ll be 42 in February (there, so now you know), and perhaps I savor the seasons more than I used to, but at the Wegman’s in Cherry Hill last week (last week!) there were little plush puppies and kittens all decked out in white and red in a corner rack, set off to the side, all ready for their retail runway debut and the next attack on our retail-minded society.

Valentines Day.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Nicest Man In The World

We all know them, but we tend not pay too much attention these folk unless we really need them.

We’re not close to these people on a daily basis, but we’re always a bit surprised when they ask us if we’re okay, because we’re never expecting them to do so.

And, our usual stock answer is, “Yeah, we’re fine, thanks for asking!”, since that’s the response they’re usually looking for.

However, it’s when we say, “Well, no, not so much”, it’s clear that we need help, LOL! ;*)

When they spring into action to take care of us…to do good things that surprise the hell out of me…it makes me believe more in the ultimate goodness of human nature.

He didn’t have to do this for us…he didn’t have to replace the entire deal on his heating system on a Saturday afternoon to make sure that we’d be warm on Saturday night. He could have easily said, “No, I’ll take care of it tomorrow”, but he’s not that kind of guy.

And, despite his age, he did! He took care of the problem (with our help), installed it himself, and personally made sure that we were nice and warm.

It’s all about people, it really is.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Big Stick, Big Merino Wool…Now What?

Okay, I now have three unfinished projects going on (none are completed, BTW), but I found out today why you really should follow an established pattern.

AMF and I are vols for XPN in Philly, and one of their staff that we've known for ages is planning on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for the New Year!

Great, terrific, “You go, girl!” and all of that, so let me crochet you a scarf, and I’ll embroider the station’s logo on the bottom on each end so that you can take it up to Kili with you!

What a great idea, and an easy project. I haven’t conquered knitting yet, but,I can do a very obscure crochet stitch called “Afghan Crochet Stockinette”, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look and feel like knitting.

And I’m going to make it with wool to keep you warm, and then…oh, it’s all over.

I’ve completed close to 50 rows with this stitch, and it already weighs a ton…this is one dense, heavy stitch. I think I’m going to create a back and make a small pillow for her cube at work that says:

Philadelphia Listens Live to WXPN on 88.5, but…
The World Listens Live On Mount Kilimanjaro at WXPN.ORG
You Go, Girl!
Yes, that will be centered on the work!... ;)
I’m still not quite sure about the words, but if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Is There Anything Better Than Listening to Jonathan Schwartz on a Monday Night?

“I’m Jonathan Schwartz, and it’s a Saturday afternoon. It’s noon here in New York City, nine o’clock in the morning on the West Coast. And, here’s a Rodgers and Hart song for your consideration…”

And then, for four hours he’ll play some of the best, classic music you’ve ever heard.

This is not the rock and roll or funk or anything that you’ve grown up with, no indeed. If the late Scott Muni was “The Professor” of rock and roll, this man is the dean of “The Great American Songbook.”

I don’t spend time up in the WNYC area during the weekends these days, so I do miss Jonathan’s Saturday and Sunday afternoon show, but tonight he’s live on WNYC’s “Night Music” playing his picks for “WNYC Must Have Festival 2006”.

And, now he’s playing a Sinatra tune with a Riddle arrangement. It’s “Blues In The Night”, and this is just so sweet.

Now, it’s a classic Billie song…”I Thought About You”.

Guess what? He's just picked "Honky Tonk Women" ! He's just way, way too cool for the room...simply ageless.

Got to go...more Jonathan to come.