Monday, July 31, 2006

It's time for a break!

Well, I'm going to take a couple of weeks off of blogging.

I need to rethink this site, and what I want to say. I've never really populated the site the way that I'd like, and I'm still not entirely sure it has my voice, either.

Besides, I'm sure all of you are just bloody tired of me complaining about the weather and the traffic!

I'll be posting on and off over the next couple of weeks, but it'll probably be a weekly thing until September redo.

Take care, stay cool, and keep checking in!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No Gas For You!

I currently work up in Morris County in New Jersey (which is a very affluent area of the state) where everything from toilet paper to disposable ball point pens presents a new adventure in personal expenses.

And, gas is very, very expensive in Morris County. Between the outrageous "Exxon" in Summit who thinks that $3.40 a gallon for regular is acceptable, to the Gulf in Madison who will happily suck the money out of your wallet for $3.25, I decided to stop at neither.

Oh, you bloody fools! I can get regular down here in Middlesex County for $2.93!

So, why fill up at well over $3 a gallon when I drive this incredibly fuel efficent vehicle?

And, really...all I needed was five bucks worth of gas to get back home to fill up with something cheaper. I stopped at the Gulf station in Chatham...

...and I was told "No."

No? You can't give me five bucks worth of gas?

"No, madam, I can't. No five dollars here."

"Yeah, but...oh, but you have a five dollar transaction on your pump! Why can't you do the same for me?"

"No five dollars for you, ma'am."

Gobsmacked, I tell you, gobsmacked!

I haven't been this annoyed since I figured out to properly put that ring onto my gas cap (here's the trick...the flat side of that ring goes on first) and finally understood why that does call up an "engine failure" code!


More bloggage tomorrow, and much more about the "All About The Music" fest in Philly this weekend!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hot, Hot, Heat

I don't really care what all of these alleged "summer people" want to tell me about how great summer is. All of that chat only makes me crankier (and I'm a cranky person to begin with!)

You know you've met the well-meaning types yourself; you're trying to make conversation at the office coffee station or in the elevator while you're drenched in sweat and listening to someone drone on saying, "Well, I'm "summer person", and I just love this weather!"

While I don't condone violence of any sort (like, bashing them in the knees or pulling a Zidane headbutt at a corporate function), you have this blog owner's full permission to remind them that cooler weather is coming, and that their sweet season is already coming to an end.

Go here, and here, please do! Print them out, and put them in their inbox.

And, you also might want to remind them that NFL training camp begins for most teams later on this week.

It's also the great "wind down" time for outdoor festivals. XPN's "All About The Music" can be found there, and it looks like the legendary British Virgin festival will be happening in Baltimore.

Now, about that XPN fest...

This could get very, very interesting as the week goes on.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just Lovin' This Short Work Week!

Ah, yes...Wednesday's out of the way, and tomorrow's traffic to blog about today (and I'm sure some of my core readers will be very happy about that), but I think I may have identified a weapon that the government should use against all known terrorists.

See this little bastard up there? Here on the East Coast, it's called a "Bottleneck Green Fly", and it's the scourge of beach goers everywhere.

Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, they bite. Hungry little gits, they are. They're out for blood...mine, yours and any other walking, talking, breathing organism that they can find.

Even worse, they do a full-on attack on you (which England in World Cup action couldn't pull off). They will bombard your car (especially if it's black, for some reason), yourself (if you step out of said car without being entirely covered in DEET) and goddess forbid if you're not used to them.

Believe me, I know. AMF and I made a trip down to the Delaware Bay on Monday, and I'm sure I'll be the subject of local talk for, oh, the next couple of months or so, since I did, indeed, perform an impromptu version of an Irish jig in the parking lot while trying to get all of these nasty creatures off of me and out of my Tevas.
