Well, let’s just say that she’s quite the cute cookie in the Philadelphia media market, but, really, who knew she had a devastating uppercut?
I still think Monica Malpass would certainly win a death match, but I’m just saying!
Music, politics, retail culture, public radio, travel, food, sports and other random musings all lovingly compiled from someone who is just loving the fourth decade of her life.
Music, politics, retail culture, public radio, travel, food, sports and other random musings all lovingly compiled from someone who is just loving the fourth decade of her life.
Cuke cookie, yes, but tough cookie ... no!
There's nothing I hate to see more than a successful woman who puts her ego and looks in front of anything else she could have accomplished.
Yep, that's right! There are so many of them, though! And then there's Bolaris ...
"Danger, Ladies, Danger!"
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